Monday, December 22, 2008

2008: Our year that was..

Another year has come and gone, but for Jeanne and I 2008 was a year that we will remember always.
I must say that when you have been planning something big, as Jeanne and I have been,
time is relative to everything that's going on around you. Indeed, time does fly, as 2008 has for us.
But as it ends, it leaves with us memories that will last our lifetimes.

As the years come and go we will always look back to this year as one of the highlights of our lives.
Where in front of God's eyes, we said yes to love and life as one. Together, forever.

As the year draws to a close, there are so many things to be thankful for.

Blessings received and shared.
Good health all year round.

But what I am most thankful for is Jeanne.
For seeing me, through all my flaws.
I may not be perfect, but having you makes everything right in my life.

Love you wife!
You are the highlight of my life!
Always me and you :D

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Time after time..

No matter how many times this song is sung, how many different artists make their own version,the song's message will never change..

"If you're lost.. you can look and you will find me..
Time after time..
If you fall.. I will catch you I will be waiting..
Time after time.."

I have since been listening to this song. When we were asked to choose a piece for the short film we were about to make, I knew I had to pick it not only because I liked it, but also because of what the songs the words meant for me..

A vow I make to the one person whom I'm going to spend the rest of my life with..

For my wife..

If you are ever lost, know that you will always find me..
If you ever fall, I will always be here to catch you..

Know that you will always have me.. Always.

To Sir Dino,

When we first saw this, we were left in awe.
Thank you, it seems second nature to you to leave your clients in awe.
Great job sir! You were a choice Jeanne and I knew we just had to make, the best.

To Jeanne,

Someone once said..

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

You give me courage that I never had, strength that I never knew..
You are my strength and my courage..

Love you wife :D
Always me and you!
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